
Understanding the ISMC Weight Chart and Schedule 40 Pipe Thickness in mm

by Maria Smith June 26, 2024

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In construction and engineering, precision and accuracy in material specifications are paramount. Two essential tools that help ensure these specifications are met are the ISMC weight chart and the Schedule 40 pipe thickness chart in millimeters (mm). These charts provide critical information for engineers, builders, and fabricators to select the right materials for their projects. This article delves into the details of these charts, explaining their significance and how they are used in practical applications.

The ISMC Weight Chart: A Vital Tool for Structural Engineering

ISMC, or Indian Standard Medium Channel, is a type of structural steel channel widely used in construction and engineering. The ISMC weight chart is a reference tool that provides the weights of different ISMC sections, enabling engineers and builders to calculate the total weight of the steel required for their projects.

Understanding ISMC Sections

ISMC sections are identified by their depth, width, and weight per meter. The depth (D) and width (B) are measured in millimeters, while the weight is given in kilograms per meter (kg/m). The ISMC weight chart typically lists these sections in ascending order, making it easy to find the specific section needed.

Importance of the ISMC Weight Chart

  1. Accurate Material Estimation: The ISMC weight chart allows engineers to accurately estimate the amount of steel required for a project. This helps in budgeting and ensures that the right quantity of material is ordered, minimizing waste and reducing costs.
  2. Structural Integrity: Knowing the exact weight of the ISMC sections helps in designing structures that can support the intended loads. This is crucial for maintaining the safety and stability of buildings, bridges, and other constructions.
  3. Efficient Fabrication: Fabricators rely on the ISMC weight chart to determine the weight of individual steel sections. This information is essential for handling, transporting, and welding the steel efficiently, ensuring smooth fabrication processes.

Example of ISMC Weight Chart Usage

Consider a project that requires ISMC 200 sections. By referring to the ISMC weight chart, an engineer can find that ISMC 200 has a depth of 200 mm, a width of 75 mm, and a weight of approximately 22.4 kg/m. If the project requires 100 meters of this section, the total weight of steel needed would be 2,240 kg. This calculation helps in ordering the right amount of steel and planning the logistics of handling and installation.

Schedule 40 Pipe Thickness in mm: Ensuring Proper Pipe Selection

Schedule 40 is a standard for pipe wall thickness used in various industries, including plumbing, oil and gas, and construction. Understanding the Schedule 40 pipe thickness in mm is essential for selecting the appropriate pipes for different applications, ensuring they can withstand the required pressure and environmental conditions.

What is Schedule 40?

Schedule 40 refers to a specific wall thickness for pipes made from various materials, including steel, stainless steel, and PVC. The thickness of Schedule 40 pipes varies depending on the pipe’s nominal diameter, which ranges from small sizes (like 1/8 inch) to larger sizes (like 24 inches).

Importance of Knowing Schedule 40 Pipe Thickness in mm

  1. Pressure Rating: The thickness of Schedule 40 pipes determines their pressure rating. Thicker walls can withstand higher pressures, making it crucial to select the right thickness based on the application’s pressure requirements.
  2. Compatibility: For systems involving multiple components (like fittings, valves, and other pipes), ensuring that all parts have compatible thicknesses is vital for a leak-free and robust system.
  3. Compliance with Standards: Many industries have stringent standards for pipe thickness to ensure safety and reliability. Knowing the Schedule 40 pipe thickness in mm ensures compliance with these standards.

Schedule 40 Pipe Thickness in mm Chart

The Schedule 40 pipe thickness chart lists the wall thicknesses for various nominal pipe sizes in millimeters. Here are a few examples:

  • 1/8 inch (DN 6): 1.73 mm
  • 1/4 inch (DN 8): 2.24 mm
  • 1/2 inch (DN 15): 2.77 mm
  • 1 inch (DN 25): 3.38 mm
  • 2 inches (DN 50): 3.91 mm
  • 4 inches (DN 100): 6.02 mm

Practical Application of Schedule 40 Pipe Thickness

Imagine a plumbing system that requires pipes capable of withstanding a pressure of 150 psi. By referring to the Schedule 40 pipe thickness chart, an engineer can select a pipe with the appropriate wall thickness to handle this pressure. For instance, if a 1-inch pipe is needed, the chart shows a thickness of 3.38 mm. This information ensures that the selected pipe will not fail under the system’s pressure, maintaining safety and functionality.


The ISMC weight chart and Schedule 40 pipe thickness chart in mm are indispensable tools in the fields of construction and engineering. The ISMC weight chart helps in accurately estimating the weight of steel sections, ensuring proper material procurement and structural integrity. On the other hand, the Schedule 40 pipe thickness chart ensures that pipes are selected based on their ability to withstand specific pressures, guaranteeing the safety and reliability of piping systems.

Understanding and utilizing these charts enable engineers, builders, and fabricators to make informed decisions, optimize material usage, and enhance the overall quality of their projects. Whether you are working on a large-scale construction project or a complex piping system, these tools are essential for achieving precision, efficiency, and safety.

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