So you’ve decided that you’re ready to leave that dead-end job and want to get some career counseling to help you along the way. The good news is that there are a lot of places you can go to online to obtain free credit counseling services that will assist you in your job change. While these online career counseling websites are generally free, they will also offer you extra services for a small fee, but you are not required to pay that fee, of course.
However, those extra services could make a big difference in your overall success in making a career change, so don’t discount them immediately.
One great free online career counseling website that we’ve found is www.careerplanner.com. This website offer you a free career test that can show you which careers are best suited for you. Tests such as these are great if you aren’t really sure which career you want to get into or see if you are missing a career that you never even really thought of getting into in the first place. Since the test is free, check it out and just see where you should be working. It might surprise you!
Career planner dot com also give you in-depth job descriptions for various careers so you know exactly what work is expected of you in specific jobs. These descriptions include tasks, work activities, required knowledge, skills, and abilities. When making a career change, you will want to be sure and do your research on your intended career so that you don’t get involved in a job that you either can’t do or won’t like doing. This is a great free service from this online career counseling site.
One of the best things about Career Planner is that they have sections tailored specifically to your unique situation. These sections provide advice to high school students, college students, career changers, and for teachers and counselors. Depending on what situation you are in, the advice can be very different. By going to these specific pages, you’ll know that you are getting the best advice for your life situation and your career goals.
Now, there are many other free online career counseling websites, so you’ll want to check it out for yourself. Do a Google search for “free online career counseling” and you will find all sorts of places that are willing to give you career advice for free and help launch your new career. As with any other advice giving situation, do your research and make sure that the website you are going to is reputable.
This is your working life we’re talking about, so the last thing you want is to get involved with an online career counselor that may guide you in the wrong direction instead of the right one!